Books 1 to 6
The themes in these blackline masters were selected because of their universal and enduring appeal to students and teachers in theK–3area of primary education. By using high-interest themes, students find the learning journey a positive experience which allows them to be open to a broader learning path. Each theme includes a clip art page, a comprehensive overview of the theme across all curriculum areas and supporting blackline masters to develop student awareness of the theme.
Book 1– Dinosaurs,Christmas, Space andThe Sea
Book 2– Minibeasts, Circus,Animalsand Community
Book 3– Our Body, Food, Toys and Easter
Book 4– About Me, Transport, Seasons and Australian Animals
Book 5– Inventions, Games, OutbackAustralia, Fairytales andNursery Rhymes
Book 6– Celebrations, Science, Australia and Imaginary Things
- four popular themes from the successful Class Ideas K-3 magazine
- each theme selected because of its universal appeal
- contains useful clip art pages
- comprehensive overview across all curriculum areas with supporting blackline masters to develop student awareness of the theme
- indicators to aid in assessment of the activity