Covers number, measurement and space
Primary Mathematics is a best-selling series that has been written for use in primary schools.
The series has been designed to address the traditional curriculum strands of:
- number(including patterns and algebra for NSW);
- measurement;
- space;
- chance and data; and
- working mathematically,reasoningand strategies.
A revised edition has been released in January 2012 containing links to the new Australian Mathematics Curriculum. This edition contains both state and national links and aims to assist Australian teachers with the transition to the new Australian Curriculum.
Each book in the Primary mathematics series includes:
- over 150 activity pages;
- comprehensive teachers notes for the teaching of individual strands, listing required materials, activities and games;
- photocopiable reference charts;
- introductory activity suggestions for each blackline master;
- assessment checklists;
- detailed answers;
- revision and assessment pages for each strand, ideal for inclusion in student portfolios and for reporting purposes; and
- indicators for each activity, developed to determine student progress.
Primary Mathematics is an excellent resource or introducing each of the curriculum strands in mathematics. An innovative and comprehensive resource.