When snow is on the mind, why wait for that first snowfall? Create fake snow with our Insta-Snow® Powder! As everyone knows, snow is a seasonal phenomenon. In some areas of the country, it doesn’t occur at all. Snow can’t be brought inside for study or playing with friends. It’s difficult to play with safely, but that’s where science comes in.Your young scientists can experience hours of entertainment with Steve Spangler Science Insta-Snow Powder kits, delivering realistic and fluffy fake snow that can be dried out and reused countless times. This fake snow won’t feel fake at all. Just add water and watch in amazement. Within seconds, the mixture transforms into a solid and then erupts into a fluffy, white, snow-like material. The best part? There’s no stirring required. Watch as it instantly expands up to 100 times its original volume before your eyes. Our Instant Snow Powder kit is a true wonder and a versatile learning aid for the classroom or playtime.
Choose Fake Snow for Real Fun in the Classroom
Insta-Snow isn’t just a cool demonstration tool. Educators have found great uses for instant snow from early childhood sensory tables to advanced chemistry experiments. No matter what quantity of Insta-Snow you choose, you’ll get all of the materials you need in this comprehensive fake snow kit, including mixing instructions and an in-depth scientific explanation about polymers. When you order any of the all-in-one science kits from Steve Spangler, you’ll get true wow factor and tons of real-life, scientific applications. This instant snow powder is recommended for children ages four and up with adult supervision.
The Learning Opportunities of Playing With Artificial Snow
Oh, the wonder of polymers! Explore the fun side of learning using the ever-changing science of polymers with our artificial snow kit. As students experiment with our Insta-Snow product, teachers and parents can discuss the application of polymers in everyday life. Kids will be excited to witness the magic of Insta-Snow as you explain to them how this substance changes from a liquid to a solid. Our Insta-Snow provides plenty of discussion opportunities as everyone observes its physical change and response to temperature. Our instant snow is so much fun, you may never want to go back to real snow ever again.