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Paul Swan

Problem Solving Money Puzzles


Years 4-6
Blackline Master

Part of the Problem-Solving series. This book requires students to not only work out change, but use clues to determine what coins and notes were given in the change. Teachers may copy the cards and give to students to work on individually or in groups. Answers and comprehensive teaching notes are provided.

40 pages

The book is aimed at Years 4-6 as the questions take the form of Word Problems.

Year | Australian Curriculum Links:

1 ACMNA017: Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value.

2 ACMNA034: Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value.

3 ACMNA059: Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents.

4 ACMNA080: Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies

In addition to Money related content, students will be performing calculations.

ACMNA083: Find unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction and identify equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction.

5 ACMNA291: Use efficient mental strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems.