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Hawker Brownlow

Making Number Talks Matter - Developing Mathematical Practices and Deepening Understanding Grades 4-10

$47.95 $23.98

Teachers Reference

Making Number Talks Matter is about the myriad decisions facing teachers as they make this fifteen-minute daily routine a vibrant part of their mathematics instruction. Throughout the book, Cathy Humphreys and Ruth Parker offer practical ideas for using Number Talks to help students learn to reason numerically and build a solid foundation for the study of mathematics. This book will be an invaluable resource whether you are already using Number Talks or not; whether you are a primary, middle years, secondary school or tertiary-level teacher; or even if you are a parent wanting to support your child with mathematics.

Using insight gained from many years of doing Number Talks with students of all ages, Cathy and Ruth address questions to ask during number talks, teacher moves that turn the thinking over to student, the mathematics behind the various strategies and ways to overcome bumps in the road. If you’ve been looking for ways to transform your mathematics classroom – to bring sense-making and divergent thinking to the foreground, to bring curriculum standards to life and to bring joy back into your instruction – this book is for you.