In their personal lives, students retrieve and experience information customised to their interests. In school, students only receive information other stakeholders choose to disseminate. They needn’t just be recipients. They are capable of using their voices and choices to take control of their learning. In Personalizing Learning Through Voice and Choice, authors Adam Garry, Amos Fodchuk and Lauren Hobbs reveal the tools and structures K–12 teachers and administrators can use to help students extend that ownership from the classroom to the school building and throughout the district. Personalised learning helps bridge the disconnect between how students consume information in and out of school.
K–12 teachers and administrators will:
- Uncover right-now ideas for engaging students in important classroom, school and districtwide curricular decisions
- Learn steps that help them change their classroom, school and district cultures
- Recognise indicators that different stakeholders display when they are ready for personalised learning
- Realise student, classroom educator and school district administrator roles in empowering student voice and choice
- Discover ways to amplify students’ voices within the entire school and district
Lauren Hobbs, Amos Fodchuk, Adam Garry