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Hawker Brownlow

Managing the Inner World of Teaching - Emotions Interpretations and Actions

$24.95 $12.48

Teachers Reference

Managing the Inner World of Teaching: Emotions, Interpretations, and Actions by Robert J. Marzano and Jana S. Marzano focuses on an issue often overlooked in schools: teachers’ thoughts and feelings. By understanding and monitoring their emotions, interpretations and actions, teachers can transform their instructional practices.

The authors expertly guide readers through three management phases – awareness, analysis and choice – and provide questions to purposefully manage teachers’ positive and negative actions. Teachers can use this understanding to enhance classroom practice and student learning.

Using Managing the Inner World of Teaching, F–12 teachers will

  • understand the inner world of teaching – their emotions, interpretations and actions – and analyse how it effects their instructional practices
  • use the three-phase management process – awareness, analysis and choice – every day to ensure success
  • gain effective strategies and activities to enhance the lives of their students and learn to honour each student’s self-system.